Typesetting services

At Typo•glyphix, we strive for perfection when it comes to your typeset publications. We can offer an extensive and comprehensive service for any of your typesetting needs.

The experience gained from being part of the publishing industry over the last 10 years has meant that we have worked on publications as small as 32 pages all the way up to huge compendiums in their thousands of pages, matching styles for continuity in a series, and making new and fresh designs for one-off creative projects.

Here is a list of the typical typesetting services that we can offer:

  • Typesetting from Microsoft Office documents (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.)
  • Following design briefs for original layouts or following branding guidelines
  • Drawing artwork to be used in the final layouts
  • Processing images to make sure they pass pre-flight printing checks
  • Creating covers for paperback and hardback editions
  • Taking in marked-up corrections
  • Providing final print- and web-ready pdf files.

If you have other needs not listed here, or would like to see some samples of our work, please do not hesitate to get in touch via email at dave@typoglyphix.co.uk.